Dr. Monica Davis Iton

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Dr. Monica Davis Iton


Dr. Elaine Monica Davis was medically trained at UWI, Mona, Jamaica and is a 1979 UWI MBBS Mona graduate. Having completed her internship at the Bustamante Hospital for Children and the Kingston Public Hospital, both in Jamaica, in 1980, she spent one year at the Montreal Children’s Hospital in Canada as a research fellow.

Dr Davis also holds a Diploma in Sexual & Reproductive Health and Fertility Management from Johns Hopkins University, USA, and a Master of Philosophy in Physiology from UWI St Augustine. From 1986 – 1990 she worked as the Sessional Doctor with the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago Clinic, interviewing and counselling both women and men, performing Pap smears and providing clinical contraception for many patients. She also managed the Infertility Clinic for three years and was a member of the Medical Advisory Committee. While working at UWI, Dr Davis served as an honorary member of FPATT, and continued as a member of the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC).

Dr EM Davis was a part- time tutor at The University of   the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, and Faculty of Medical Sciences from 1991 – 1993, and has been lecturing full time in Physiology, since 1993 to the present. She was also the Course Director and lecturer for a module on Environmental and Health Effects of Pollution in the Master of Science programme for the Faculty of Engineering (MSc Env Eng) for 18 years.

Dr Davis joined the Board of the FPATT in 2015 and is currently the Chair of the MAC. With the emergence of the many issues related to Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health, education, wellbeing and sustainability, Dr Davis is eager to promote FPATT in her annual Science Conference.EMDI2020 February 03

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